Leadership 101: Tip #1

Lateral Communication

When communicating in an organization, one might feel that it is hard to talk to people who have the same title as himself or herself. While someone might feel that using vertical communication, or talking with people above and below them in influence, is easy, they may often find that lateral communication is difficult. Lateral communication encompasses the discussions and planning which happen between people who are of the same level within an organization. This issue in regard to communication spawns from people on the same level of an organization feeling as though their colleagues are being pushy or too dictatorial during what are supposed to be collaborative discussions. It is often much easier to recognize that you should take advisement from someone who is of a higher level than you in an organization, and, equivalently, easy to tell people who work for you what to do.

To be a truly great leader you must be able to interact and plan with those who are of the same level as yours–these conversations should be focused on what the overall goal of a project is, rather than focusing on who should be the one giving instructions to whom. Organizations will not only function effectively across all levels but will also thrive as a whole through lateral communication.


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